Friday, August 8, 2008

Jam/Circle Takes The Square


Driving in from the track,
I always turn the radio on to the freeway traffic alert station.
And the other day I heard the best one.
The man said that the Santa Monica freeway
near the San Diego off ramp
was congested due to an indecent exposure case.
They're working on getting him off of there now, he said.
Meanwhile I suggest you take an alternate route
Which of course, no one did

-Charles Bukowski


Since I'm leaving for New York in about 10 minutes, I don't have time to write a poem, so I decided to post one of my favorite poems, "Jam" by Bukowski.

Now, to the music. In honor of Storm, I'm giving you guys Circle Takes The Square's As The Roots Undo, without a doubt the best hardcore album I've ever heard. If you like pageninetynine, Saetia, etc, this will be right up your alley. The vocals might take a while to get used to, but if you look past that, the band's songwriting is miles above your average screamo band. Two singers, an amazing drummer, great lyrics, and very well thought out song structures make this an extremely rewarding listen.


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